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Deputation Request Form

Deputations may register to speak to Council or a Committee about a new matter or about a matter on a published agenda. Unless otherwise advertised, regular Council meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 124 John Street, Napanee, ON.

Deputation requests for new items must be submitted to the Clerk in writing no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the meeting. Deputation requests to speak to an item on the agenda must be submitted to the Clerk in writing no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting.

Is your deputation for a new topic or for a topic on the upcoming published agenda?
Are you planning to attend the meeting in person or via Zoom?
Do you require any accessibility accommodations?
Written material attached (optional):

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Rules & Regulations:

    1. The rules and regulations provided in the Town’s Procedural By-law No. 2023-0060 shall be observed by all meeting attendees.
    2. A Deputation shall only address a meeting with respect to the item(s) on the Agenda which they have registered to speak to and shall confine their remarks to such item.
    3. Each Deputation shall have a maximum time limit in which to speak. The allotted time may be used by one or more persons, as decided by the Deputation. For new items of business, the maximum time limit shall be ten (10) minutes. For comments on an item on the published agenda, the maximum time limit shall be five (5) minutes.
    4. No person presenting a deputation shall:
      1. Speak disrespectfully of any person(s);
      2. Use offensive words or unparliamentary language;
      3. Speak on any subject other than the subject for which they received approval to address; or
      1. Disobey the rules of order of a decision of the Presiding Officer (Mayor).
    1. The Clerk may refuse to put forward a deputation request in the following circumstances:
      1. If the matter is outside of Council’s jurisdiction, the Clerk shall notify the applicant of the most appropriate body to direct the request to.
      2. The request does not contain sufficient information to reasonably determine it’s subject or purpose.
      3. The request is one of the prohibited topics, which include matters related to ongoing litigation or tribunal proceedings, planning applications, labour relations, policy matters that have already been decided within the previous twelve months, or deputations by election candidates during the campaign period.
    2. The Clerk may reschedule a deputation request to a later date in the following circumstances:
      1. Thirty minutes of presentation / deputation time has already been allotted for the meeting in question, and the request is not time sensitive; or
      2. The Chief Administrative Officer and/or Mayor believe that an accompanying staff report should be written to provide context to the topic.
    3. As a general rule, Council will not consider a substantive motion on the matter raised in a deputation where this is the first time the matter has been brought before Council and there is no accompanying staff report. A substantive motion to address the matter raised in the deputation will require a two-thirds majority to pass.


    Personal information, including name, address, telephone number and/or email address, contained on this form is being collected and maintained under the authority of the Town of Greater Napanee’s Procedure By-law No. 2023-0060 and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M. 56, as amended, for the purpose of contacting individuals and/or organizations requesting to appear as a Deputation before Council or a Committee of Council. The content of the Deputation Request Form, excluding personal contact information, will be published in its entirety as part of the public agenda for the relevant meeting on the Town’s website. 

    Thank you for your desire to participate at your Town of Greater Napanee's Council or Committee meeting. This form, in addition to any written submissions/background information for consideration by Council or Town Committee, must be submitted to the Clerk by the deadline set out in the by-law. Submission by the deadline does not guarantee inclusion on the meeting date that has been requested, but you will be provided with a written explanation if your deputation request is refused, rescheduled, or referred to another body.

Again, thank you for wishing to participate at your Town of Greater Napanee's Council or Committee meeting. This form, in addition to any written submissions/background information for consideration by Council or Town Committee, must be submitted to the Clerk no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting you wish to speak at. 

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